Innovation Infrastructure

Innovational Infrastructure represents all the organizations that contribute to the scientific and innovational activities, namely the Academy of Science, financial institutions, agencies in the field of business support, business incubators, science and technology parks, enterprises, science and innovation organizations, etc.

Entities of innovational infrastructure which are at the crossroad of science and business environment represent one of the key factors that determine the success of the national economy. Hence, they act as a bridge that facilitates the communication between business and scientific community.

The Agency of Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT) is a mediator between these 2 structures (scientific and business community) and has the goal of bolstering the creation and development of science and technology parks and Innovational Incubators, as well as allowing financial support and funding the annual development projects.

At the moment, in the Republic of Moldova there are 3 Science and Technology Parks and 8 Innovation Incubators.

  • Science and Technology Park “Academica”. It was the first innovational infrastructure created in our country. Domain: universal.
  • Science and Technology Park “Micronanoteh”. It was created in 2009 at the proposal of science and technology cluster ”Micronanoteh”. Domain: microelectronics and nanotechnologies.
  • Science and Technology Park (SPT) Inagro. It was created in 2008 at suggestion of scientific and technological cluster. SPT domain: intensive and organic farming;
  • Innovational Incubator “Inovatorul”. It was created in 2007 at the proposal of science and technology cluster “Academica”. Domain: universal
  • Innovational Incubator “Politehnica”. Created in 2011. Domain: universal.
  • Innovational Incubator “Innocenter”. It was created in 2012 at the proposal of science and technology cluster “InnoClaster”.
  • Innovational Incubator “Iventica-USM”. Created in 2012 at the proposal of Incubation cluster of innovational enterprise.
  • Innovational Incubator “Nord”. It was created in 2012 at the proposal of both, incubation cluster of innovational enterprise “Antreprenorul Inovativ” and the innovation cluster “Nord”.
  • Innovational Incubator “Antreprenorul Inovativ”. Created in 2013.
  • Innovational Incubator ”IT4BA” (IT Incubator for Business Application ). It was created in 2015 in the IT field.
  • Moldovan-Lithuanian Innovation Incubator ”Media Garaj”. It was created at the suggestion of the cluster in 2014 and includes the collaboaration with Lithuanian organizations.

In order to expand the network of science and technology parks and innovation incubators, AITT is welcoming the initiatives of creation new science parks and innovational incubators!