A new Innovation Incubator was created in the IT field in Republic of Moldova

The innovative business environment will soon have a new Innovation Incubator, which will be created within the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. On 30 July 2015, Supreme Court for Science and Development of Academy of Science of Moldova issued an act on this regard.

The specialization of future incubator and its admin were chosen as a result of the contest on the selection of projects for creation of new Innovation Incubator under the higher education institutions.

The Incubator’s name will be ”IT4BA” (IT Incubator for Business Application) and will be focused on businesses which has the aim of developing business applications.

The founders of start-up companies in IT domain are invited to submit the application form together with technology transfer projects in IT for obtaining resident status in the incubator. As a result, the resident can gain a budgetary financing of 50% of the project.

The resident status of Incubator offers the possibility to benefit from workspaces, legal and accounting consultancy, business trainings, mentoring in the field of technology transfer and networking with divers institutions up to 3 years.

At the moment, in Republic of Moldova there are another 7 Innovation Incubators.